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Monday, November 7, 2011

"WARNING" Iran ready and able to build a nuclear bomb

Iran ready and able to build a nuclear bomb, UN watchdog warns the world

Iran has acquired the know-how and material to build its first nuclear weapon with assistance from a former Soviet scientist, the UN's nuclear safety watchdog will disclose on Tuesday.

Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan
Abdul Qadeer Khan, the 'father' of Pakistan's atom bomb, handed over plans for a neutron initiator, a key element in a bomb Photo: EPA
A landmark report from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will detail how specialists from Pakistan and North Korea have also helped to take the Islamic regime to the threshold of full nuclear capability.
Tension has risen in the Middle East in anticipation of the report, amid suggestions that Israel may use it to justify a pre-emptive military strike against Iran.
Sergei Lavrov, Russia's foreign minister, warned Israel on Monday that such action would be a "very serious mistake fraught with unpredictable consequences".
Russia and China are also likely to oppose new, tougher UN Security Council sanctions against Iran, despite the IAEA making clear the extent of the regime's nuclear ambitions.
Its report will disclose that North Korea has provided mathematical formulas and codes involved in designing a nuclear device and that Abdul Qadeer Khan, the "father" of Pakistan's atom bomb, has handed over plans for a neutron initiator, a key element in a bomb.

Iran will be able to build nuclear bomb within months, IAEA says

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Haaretz and Reuters
Monday, November 7, 2011
Iran has already acquired the knowledge, technology, and resources to create a nuclear bomb within months, according to Western experts who were briefed on the intelligence information due to be released in this week’s report by the United Nations’ International Atomic Energy Agency.

According to the experts, Iranian scientists acquired the knowledge with the help of weapons scientists from Russia, Pakistan and North Korea.
Haaretz reported last week that other experts also estimated that Iran could assemble a nuclear bomb within months and carry out an underground nuclear experiment if it wishes to do so. The decision to assemble the weapon is effectively in the hands of Iranian leaders, with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei at the helm.
According to a report in the Washington Post, the intelligence also supports concerns that Iran continued to conduct weapons-related nuclear research after 2003, when U.S. intelligence agencies believed Iran halted the research in response to international pressure.